I'm often asked what I recommend for child-sized tools and other Montessori items to have in the home when getting started. So for simplicity and ease, here are my top 12! I love Montessori Services and can quickly invest time & money browsing all their beautiful items! Instead of just sending you to their website, I thought it may be helpful to specify and show you a few of my favorites that I've used in the classroom and continue to use in the home. Affiliate links are used. Any purchase made is a blessing to my family at no extra cost to you! 
Language Object Starter Kit (I love to rotate these objects for Sound Games and various writing & reading activities!)
Garden Tools (Set of 4 child-size, long-handled, real garden tools: Shovel, Hoe, Garden Rake, Metal Leaf Rake)
Wavy Chopper (great for cutting carrots, avocados, cucumbers, peaches)
Apple Slicer (Cut the apple in half across the middle and then place the flat side down on the cutting board. Use the slicer on each half. Now the apple doesn't roll!)
Small Crumb Set ("Is it my turn to crumb the table?")
Small Glass Creamer (use for bean/rice/water pouring & for meals)
Medium-Size Tray (each work should be on its own tray)
Clothesline Stand (a place to hang up wet cloths!)