Fostering a Love for Mass in Young Children
In the journey of faith, introducing young children to the beauty of the Mass is a sacred task that requires intention, preparation, and patience. This process begins at home, where simple, impactful practices can lay the foundation for a lifelong appreciation of Mass.

Practical Preparations at Home
Start by teaching your child to make the sign of the cross. Silently show the gesture, then add the corresponding words to the gesture. They can practice this with morning prayers, meal prayers, and bedtime prayers. Another opportunity to practice is to hang a small holy water font by the front door that your child can reach and make the sign of the cross with holy water as you come and go.

Another gesture to practice is genuflecting. Demonstrate how to genuflect and explain why we genuflect towards the tabernacle, while also emphasizing the reverence behind the gesture. 

Use clear, positive instructions to guide their behavior in church, such as "We walk in Church," complemented by practicing these actions at home. Early visits can be an excellent opportunity for them to learn and practice walking, sitting, and kneeling in the sacred space.

Engaging in silent games at home can also prepare them to control their bodies and maintain silence during appropriate times in the Mass.

Engagement Over Distraction
To maintain the sanctity of the space and their focus, avoid using phones or food as distractions, as well as bringing toys or letting them play in the back. These boundaries help them understand and respect the Mass as a time of worship, not play. It is also helpful if your child has had a nutritious meal beforehand, minimizing sugar to help them stay calm and attentive. 

Dressing up in their Sunday best can also help signify the importance and special nature of the Mass.

Visual and Quiet Activities
Bringing a church-related book, such as 
A Is for Altar, B Is for Bible, with beautiful illustrations of prayers, biblical stories, or the Mass itself can help keep children quietly engaged. These visual aids allow them to connect more deeply with the themes and rituals they're witnessing. (⬆️ Check out the video at the top for 2 more suggested books!)

Curiosity and Knowledge
Foster their curiosity by teaching them the names of the items on the Altar (i.e. paten, chalice, crucifix, etc.) along with its main purpose, which can deepen their reverence and understanding of the Mass. 

Community Support for Catholic Parents
For parents embarking on this journey, the support of a community can be invaluable. I invite you to join our Facebook group,
"Catholic Montessori Parenting: Nurturing Your Child's Faith and Development." It's a place for parents who are passionate about integrating faith into every aspect of their child's life, including developing a love for the Mass. Here, you'll find strategies, experiences, and a supportive community to guide you in nurturing your child's spiritual growth.

Let's grow together, fostering a deep love for the Mass in our children that will guide and sustain them throughout their lives!

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